Remitter Search Api
Remitter Search
Developer should know !
With this API we can check Remitter mobile no. is already registered with our database, if yes then response system will provide remitter details. If remitter mobile no. is not queried before, then system will hit an OTP on remitter mobile no. to initiate for the registration process.
Endpoint URL :
Request Parameters
Request Parameter | Data Type | Default Value | Required | Description | Change Date | Change Description |
mobile_no | integer | Yes | Remitter mobile number |
Request Example [JSON]
Responses (JSON)
- status_code (integer): The status code of the response.
- status (string): Indicates whether the operation was a success or a failure.
- message (string): Provides a message related to the status of the response.
- remitter_details (object): Contains details about the remitter.
- fname (string): The first name of the remitter.
- lname (string): The last name of the remitter.
- mobile_number (string): The mobile number of the remitter.
- limit_details (object): Contains details about the limits.
- total_limit (integer): The total limit available.
- used_limit (integer): The limit that has already been used.
- available_limit (object): Contains the breakdown of the available limit for different banks.
- bank1_limit (integer): The available limit for Bank 1.
- bank2_limit (integer): The available limit for Bank 2.
- bank3_limit (integer): The available limit for Bank 3.
- bank1_status (string): The status of Bank 1 (e.g., "Yes" or "No").
- bank2_status (string): The status of Bank 2 (e.g., "Yes" or "No").
- bank3_status (string): The status of Bank 3 (e.g., "Yes" or "No").
- available_limit_breakup (array): An array of objects breaking down the available limit.
- amt_value (integer): The amount value in each breakup item.
{"status_code": 2, "status":"FAILED", "message": "token is required"}
- status_code (integer): 2
- message (string): "A specific validation error message."
- status (string): "FAILED"
{"status_code": 3, "message": "Remitter not registered OTP sent for new registration", "key":"b3c1e519-cf15-4145-8c26-c3d03e9d2f00"}
- status_code (integer): 3
- message (string): "Remitter not registered OTP sent for new registration"
- key (string): "b3c1e519-cf15-4145-8c26-c3d03e9d2f00"
Note : You need to pass the key in the register remitter API.
{"status_code": 0, "status":"FAILED", "message": "Unable to proccess your request"}
- status_code (integer): 0
- message (string): "Unable to proccess your request"
- status (string): "FAILED"
- The API endpoint should be accessed via a POST request.
- All requests must include a Bearer Token in the Authorization header to authenticate the request.
- Please always update your transaction with status key and SUCCESS, PENDING, FAILED value.
- Implement proper error handling on the client side to display user-friendly error messages based on the 'status' and 'message' fields in the response.